In September 2023 we opened the doors to the Hub after many years of planning and fundraising. Now, one year on, The Hub is fully functioning and is welcoming over 350 regular users in over 20 clubs every week.
Over the past 12 months our Manager Kari and the Trustees have committed a great deal of time and effort to learning the practicalities of operating the building’s systems and developing a strong regular user customer base.
This first year has been about learning and also ensuring financial stability. As we move into our second and third years, we will face new challenges as the financial support from various sectors changes. Our commitment to providing a flexible and safe space for the community is undiminished but needs to be balanced against our financial responsibilities as a charitable body.
We also recognise the need for more community activities and were pleased to work with MUTC and Mon Youth to see the start of a Youth club on Tuesday evenings.
More activities are being considered but once again we appeal to the community to come and offer practical support in the running of the Hub and developing new activities. The existing Trustees remain very involved in the day to day running but will need more support from individuals willing to give up some time to help us grow.
Please look at the “Can you help” section of this website and consider giving up some time to support your Community Hub.

In the meantime, a big thank you from the Trustees to you, the community for supporting us throughout this first year.
Thanks to MUTC for their financial support and to all the class and group leaders who have made this year so successful.
To all those who have organised parties,dancing, community events andlearning opportunities we are grateful for your use of the Hub.
But particular thanks to Kari who in this first year has done an amazing job and shown huge commitment to the future of this centre. She is supported by a growing band of volunteers and againour thanks go to all who give up their time to support us.
We look forward to an exciting future.
The Trustees of MUCH; Kevin, Linda, Mike, Sally and Sian